EEXI overview and implementation

EEXI overview and implementation
The Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (EEXI) is a measure introduced by the IMO to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of ships. The EEXI is a measure related to the technical design of a ship. Ships have to attain EEXI approval once in a lifetime, by the first periodical survey in 2023 at the latest.
The required EEXI value is determined by the ship type, the ship’s capacity and principle of propulsion and is the maximum acceptable attained EEXI value. 
The attained EEXI must be calculated for the individual ship, which falls under the regulation.
Considering the different scenarios, it is important that you check the applicable scenario for your individual ship.

We can provide the one-stop solutions to you by various of equipment, High efficiency Propeller,  Shaft Generator ,Pre-Shrouded Vanes(PSV), Vortex Absorbed Fins( HAVF), Propeller-Trimming( PT), ect.